{ gROOT->Reset(); // wtopx,wtopy are the pixel coordinates of the top left corner of // the canvas (if wtopx < 0) the menubar is not shown) // ww is the canvas size in pixels along X // wh is the canvas size in pixels along Y c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ABS1 gauge calibration June 4 2008",200,10,700,500); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->SetGrid(); c1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(12); // Tpad pad1("pad1"," ",0.1,0.6,0.6,0.9); // Tpad pad2("pad2"," ",0.1,0.6,0.6,0.9); // Tpad pad3("pad3"," ",0.1,0.6,0.6,0.9); // Tpad pad4("pad4"," ",0.1,0.6,0.6,0.9); c1->Divide(2,2); c1_1->cd(); Int_t n = 8; Int_t i; /* MKS data in mbar */ Float_t y[n] = {2.20e-5,6.00e-5,7.40e-5,10.6e-5,18.6e-5,42.2e-5,147.6e-5,4.30e-5}; /* CV data in mbar*/ Float_t x[n] = {1.414e-6,7.340e-6,15.23e-6,31.26e-6,68.10e-6,170.7e-6,624.6e-6,9.894e-6}; Float_t ex[n]; Float_t ey[n]; /* stat error on MKS gauge (by eye, not from manual) in ubar : 0.010 */ for(i=0; iSetTitle("CV"); gr->SetMarkerColor(4); gr->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr->SetLineColor(2); gr->SetLineWidth(4); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MKS (mbar)"); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CV (mbar)"); gr->Draw("ALP"); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","pol1",0,5); gr->Fit("f1","Q"); // TVectorD c_graph(2); // c_graph(0) = f1->GetParameter(0); // c_graph(1) = f1->GetParameter(1); /*********************/ c1_2->cd(); /* HV2 data in mbar*/ Float_t x[n] = {1.064e-6,5.756e-6,12.31e-6,25.60e-6,72.22e-6,288.2e-6,1978e-6,7.551e-6}; Float_t ex[n]; for(Int_t i=0; iSetTitle("HV2"); gr2->SetMarkerColor(4); gr2->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr2->SetLineColor(2); gr2->SetLineWidth(4); gr2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MKS (mbar)"); gr2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("HV2 (mbar)"); gr2->Draw("ALP"); TF1 *f2 = new TF1("f2","pol1",0,5); gr2->Fit("f2","Q"); /*********************/ c1_3->cd(); /* HV2b data in mbar*/ Float_t x[n] = { 0.954e-6,5.033e-6,10.35e-6,20.63e-6,47.42e-6,112.5e-6,445.9e-6,6.246e-6}; Float_t ex[n]; for(Int_t i=0; iSetTitle("HV2B"); gr3->SetMarkerColor(4); gr3->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr3->SetLineColor(2); gr3->SetLineWidth(4); gr3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MKS (mbar)"); gr3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("HV2 (mbar)"); gr3->Draw("ALP"); TF1 *f3 = new TF1("f3","pol1",0,5); gr3->Fit("f3","Q"); /*********************/ n=4; c1_4->cd(); /* HV2 data in mbar*/ Float_t x[n] = {5.756e-6,12.31e-6,25.60e-6,72.22e-6}; Float_t ex[n]; Float_t y[n] = {9.00e-6,2.20e-5,5.40e-5,1.14e-4,2.09e-4}; Float_t ex[n]; Float_t ey[n]; /* stat error on MKS gauge (by eye, not from manual) in ubar : 0.010 */ for(i=0; iSetTitle("HV2"); gr4->SetMarkerColor(4); gr4->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr4->SetLineColor(2); gr4->SetLineWidth(4); gr4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MKS (mbar)"); gr4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("HV2 (mbar)"); gr4->Draw("ALP"); TF1 *f4 = new TF1("f4","pol1",0,5); gr4->Fit("f4","Q"); c1->Print("2008june4.eps"); c1->Update(); }