ferrara interne
National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ferrara Division

Nuclear Physics (CSN3)

Coordinatore: Luciano Pappalardo
Stanza: C204 
Telefono: 0532/97 4311 
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CSN3 Nuclear Physics Committee Website

Scientific activities of the Ferrara Nuclear Physics Group:
The experiments conducted within CSN3 concern the study of the properties and structure of the nucleon and atomic nuclei, the dynamics of nuclear reactions, the formation and properties of quark and gluon plasma, nuclear reactions of astrophysical relevance and fundamental symmetry tests. These studies are carried out by analysing collisions of particles (leptons, protons, nuclei) in a wide range of energies, from the fraction of MeV to tens of TeV.


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Events Calendar

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