National Institute for Nuclear Physics | Ferrara Division

Metrics (Multimodal pET / mRi Imaging with Cyclotron-produced 52 / 51Mn (β + emitter / paramagnetic) iSotopes) is an interdisciplinary project coordinated by the INFN National Laboratories of Legnaro (LNL) and is part of a wider context dedicated to the creation of a laboratory for the Production of RAdionuclides for MEDicine (LARAMED) at the INFN Cyclotron of the LNL. The installation of a cyclotron capable of accelerating protons up to an energy of 70 MeV offers an extraordinary opportunity for the production of innovative radionuclides in the diagnostics and therapy of nuclear medicine. With the Metrics project we intend to study the properties of the paramagnetic radioisotope 52Mn for a future application in the clinical setting of multimodal PET / MRI imaging. The research activity of the Ferrara section concerns the radiochemistry of the extraction process after irradiation and the optimization of a PET scanner for imaging tests.


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