National Institute for Nuclear Physics | Ferrara Division

The Borexino experiment, located in the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratories, is the purest experiment in the world for the detection of neutrinos: 300 tons of scintillator liquid with a degree of purity better than 5 1015 g/g. This peculiarity has allowed, in more than 10 years of data acquisition, to provide accurate measurements not only of the flux of neutrinos from the Sun, but also of those coming from the bowels of the Earth, the so-called geoneutrinos. The experiment has also provided interesting results in other areas of underground physics (extragalactic neutrinos, supernova neutrinos, ...). The INFN Ferrara group is involved in the study of the geoneutrino signal, both working on analysis of background events and on interpretation of the experimental results and their comparison with the predictions of the geochemical models of our planet.



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