National Institute for Nuclear Physics | Ferrara Division

LSPE (Large-Scale Polarization Explorer) is an experiment designed to measure the polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at large scale, and in particular to constrain the B-modes of the CMB polarization. LSPE consists of two instruments: STRIP (Survey TeneRIfe Polarimeter), a telescope in Tenerife based on radiometers; and SWIPE (Short-Wavelength Instrument for the Polarisation Explorer) a telescope on a stratospheric balloon, based on bolometers. The measures are planned for the Artic winter 2021/22 for SWIPE, with a flight of up to 15 days, and from summer 2021, with 2 years of observation, for STRIP. The INFN Ferrara group is involved in the development of SWIPE reading electronics, and in the data analysis and scientific exploitation of the entire experiment.



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