National Institute for Nuclear Physics | Ferrara Division


The exoeriment InDark ("Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe") studies the connection between particle physics (and more generally fundamental physics) and the standard cosmological model, also in the light of current and future cosmological observations. The main activities carried out by INFN Ferrara concern the study of the early Universe (inflation, violation of fundamental symmetries, cosmic anomalies), of the nature of dark matter and energy, of the properties of elementary particles (neutrinos, axions, sterile neutrinos ...), of alternative theories of gravity. These researches often use the observations, already carried out or expected, of the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (Planck, LiteBIRD, LSPE, Simons Observatory, S4) and of the distribution of large-scale cosmological structures (Euclid, DESI, SKA, WFIRST, LSST).



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