ferrara interne
National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ferrara Division


Cremlin+ is a Horizon 2020 European project fostering European-Russia scientific and technical collaboration in the field of research infrastructures.. The INFN Ferrara group participates in the design studies of a Super tau-charm factory actually in design phase at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk. In this context the group, together with colleagues from INFN Laboratori Nazionai di Frascati (INFN LNF) work on the development of an inner tracking detector based on the innovative μ-RWELL resistive technology. The INFN Ferrara group is involved in R&D for the construction of a prototype to be tested on a beam and in simulation studies to optimise the detector.

Link: https://www.cremlin.eu/work_plan/work_package_7/


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