ferrara interne
National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ferrara Division


The TIMESPOT project aims to develop a demonstrator of a charged particle tracker that is capable of operating at the very high luminosity expected for future particle accelerators (e.g. Hi-Lumi LHC). The project was presented to the INFN CSN5 open call 2017 and was subsequently approved for the three-year period 2018-2020. The INFN groups involved are 10 (Bologna, Cagliari, Genoa, Ferrara, Florence, Milan, Padua, Perugia, Turin, TIFPA) for a total of 65 physicists and engineers The demonstrator includes a complete tracking chain, including 3D pixel detectors, front-end electronics, data acquisition system and fast pre-processing algorithms. The Ferrara-based group deals with simulation of silicon and diamond devices and participates in integration and beam testing activities.


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