ferrara interne
National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ferrara Division


The "Theoretical Astroparticle Physics" (TAsP) research network was proposed by a well-established scientific community made up of 12 INFN nodes, which share a significant tradition of scientific interests, research programs and common activities in the field of astroparticle physics. .
TAsP's goal is to undertake a vast and diverse research program on the border between particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, where deeper levels of theoretical understanding are clearly required by various phenomena, including masses and angles. mixing of neutrinos, the mysteries of dark matter and energy, the baryon asymmetry observed in the universe, the origin and spectra of cosmic rays and high-energy gamma rays. In this rapidly evolving field there is a widely recognized need for a deeper exchange of knowledge and ideas, better management of research activities, and more effective participation of young researchers and students, that points to the highest levels of education and training.
The main planned research activities can be roughly structured in five sub-areas (with significant interconnections): (1) neutrino physics; (2) dark matter; (3) astrophysical sources of radiation; (4) cosmology; (5) connection with particle physics.
The research program will be supported by a network of common initiatives, such as: reciprocal visits; co-tutoring of students; organization of joint scientific events (working groups, schools, seminars); disclosure.
In particular, the research activities of the Ferrara node are:

  • Higgs field: detailed study of the stability of the electroweak vacuum in the context of the Standard Model (MS) and its applications to cosmic inflation, in view of the recent limits on the tensor-scalar ratio of cosmological perturbations.
  • Neutrinos: extensive studies of the estimated fluxes of geoneutrinos and related observations in present and future detectors (including collaboration with the JUNO project), with implications for global models of the Earth and local models of the crust; investigation of theoretical models on the origin of neutrino masses and mixing angles.

Link: https://web.infn.it/CSN4/index.php/it/17-esperimenti/190-tasp-home


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