ferrara interne
National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ferrara Division


Laurea Magistrale in Physics Raffaele Tripiccione Thesis Prize

On Friday January the 20th at the Aula Magna of the Law Dept. of the University of Ferrara (Palazzo Trotti Mosti, C.so Ercole d'Este 37) the Raffaele Tripiccione Prize for the best Laurea Magistrale Thesis in Physics at the University of Ferrara will be presented. The prize is sponsored by the Dept. of Physics and Earth Science and the Sezione di Ferrara of INFN in honour of Prof. Raffaele Tripiccione. Prof. Tripiccione was a generous mentor to students, a colleague and a researcher who contributed enormously to the scientific community. He tragically passed away on November the 9th 2021.

For the academic year 2021/22 the prize has been awarded ex-aequo to Sofia Bisero for the thesis "Comparative analysis of absorption signatures in gamma-ray bursts afterglow spectra" and to Arianna Rizzieri for the thesis "Component separation for the polarized microwave sky in view of next-generation cosmic microwave background experiments". The prize commission also awarded the Special Mention and the prize sponsored by CAEN SpA to Matteo Argenton for the thesis "A lattice boltzmann approach to the simulation of a charged viscous fluid in a magnetic field".

The prize conferring ceremony will be held at the opening of first evening of the "I Venerdì dell'Universo"in the presence of Prof. Antonio Zoccoli, president of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare.


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